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Project Proposal

"A project proposal is written, to make an offer and to try to convince a supervisor or a future customer to accept it. In a project proposal you state that, in exchange for time and/or money, you will give them something that they want (an analysis of a procedure, for example), make something they desire (a prototype of a new product), or do something they wish to have done (redesign an existing structure)."


Proposals are directed toward a potential sponsor, such as Organization, a funding agency, etc. to briefly outline:

1. the specific objectives of project,
2. technical approach to be used in solving the problem or developing the product and
3. the anticipated results of the project

And should answer the following questions:

1. Is the problem sufficiently important to justify money, company time, and your effort?
2. Is the project well defined and realistic?
3. Have you outlined a sound approach, including your ability to perform the tasks?

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